Looking for a Job?

  • Click here to find an SC Works Center.
  • Click here to visit the Virtual Engagement Center.
  • Click here to view the calendar of events.
  • Click here to visit the SC Works Online Services system - the state's largest job database.

Need Help filling positions?

  • Find a Job
  • Resume Guidance
  • Skills Assessments
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What's Your Next Step?
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Find a Center

Through SC Works Centers and Connection Points across the state, there are a variety of workforce services in all 46 S.C. counties.

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Find a Job

Our state is packed full of businesses of every type and size, continually growing and eager to hire employees ready to work.

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Find a Candidate

The state’s SC Works system offers services to help employers screen and match, hire, train and retain workers.

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Find Calendar Events

South Carolina Job fairs, workforce workshops, meetings, and other events near you.

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